Building Better Body Paragraphs

by Brian Sztabnik In preparation for a mini lesson on body paragraphs that I taught this week, I purchased an essay-writing unit on Teachers Pay Teachers and was woefully disappointed. It packaged the same-old basic formula with fancy fonts and pretty borders: I find that this type of formulaic approach to writing does more harm than … Continue Reading

The Biggest Boost to Engagement

Frustration Here’s a frustration I grappled with earlier in the year and a quick-fix solution. Sometimes, I would work to make a lesson engaging and dynamic and with it came all this excitement to teach it. But that faded fast because when I was in the moment, I recieved nothing in return. There were a … Continue Reading

Teachers Have to Level Up — There is No Choice

Over the years I have helped hundreds of seniors with their college essay, providing advice on how to nail the opening, find their voice, write with clarity, and reveal something authentic. I distilled the most common mistakes into a blog post that has done well on this site, and I created a slide deck that … Continue Reading

5 Things Every Student Can Master for the AP Exam

In the two weeks leading up to the AP Literature and Composition exam, it is easy to panic. What do you review from the past 180 days? There are so many units, so many enduring understandings, so many skills. What little tricks can help your students make the jump from a 3 to a 4, … Continue Reading

How to Plan for a Novel

When I was in my teacher preparation program, a few experiences stand out, none more than the day when my methods professor told us that we had to plan an entire novel unit. You would think that this would make aspiring English teachers all giddy. The training wheels were coming off. We were moving past … Continue Reading

2024 Poetry March Madness

My basketball season ended a week ago. Even though our record wasn’t that impressive, I am proud that we, as a team, made a concerted effort each day to enjoy basketball. The season spans four months and can be so taxing mentally and physically. If you don’t find ways to make it fun, it can … Continue Reading

Are You Teaching in a Way That Will Change Lives?

Every now and then we all need a refresher. All of us. We need to step out away from the speed at which life whizzes past and avoid the monotony of death-by-checklist. We need to escape the din and discordance of bells dictating our lives, emails, GroupMes, Facebook boards, and Instagram reels by grounding ourselves … Continue Reading

The Art of Reading Less

One of the secrets to acquire knowledge is to read a lot. And so I try. But whenever we get close to a New Year, the Influencers that inspire me on YouTube and Instagram are cashing in on my inadequacies. They are gloating about how they read over 100 books this year + you can … Continue Reading

Ask Us Anything — Winter Edition

How do you get students to identify and write lines of reasoning? — Kendra M. Susan: I am often my own worst enemy in teaching line or reasoning because I tend to overcomplicate the concept; line of reasoning is simply an order to an argument. I love the analogy David Miller uses to explain a … Continue Reading

The Perfect Way to Begin Any Novel

Chalk it up to too much pressure. It’s the weight of the world. There is all this anxiety about taking the first step. The old Head & Shoulders advertising slogan lingers in the back of my mind — you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This is what I feel every … Continue Reading