With a Rebel Yell She Cried More Essays, More Essays, More Essays

This year, I had the opportunity to read for Question 3, the Open-Ended Question. I was excited with the assignment since I had never formally read for this essay at any of the readings, but I was also a bit concerned about the accuracy of my performance because of the sheer variety of responses I … Continue Reading

“The Rock Eaters”

As Susan said about Q1, the operational Q2 passage, “The Rock Eaters,” and prompt were definitely accessible for most students this year. I still looked at a few drawings, read a few song lyrics (“In the Heights”), and even saw one person who wrote out the numbers from one to one hundred (!), but for … Continue Reading

“The Barren Moors”

And that’s a wrap on another reading. This year I read for Q1 – “The Barren Moors.” In general, the prompt and poem were accessible and students tended to write a lot. Compared to prior years (with the possible exception of “Shaving”), there were few blank responses to the poem. So let’s break this down.  … Continue Reading

My 2023 Reading Life (Part 1)

As English teachers, we get asked a lot about our reading lives. People assume that we are well read, and I often joke that if reading Frankenstein or Fences 100 times defines well read, then yes, I assume I am. Truthfully, reading can be difficult for teachers. Teachers often take work home, find ourselves mentally … Continue Reading

5 Rules to Simplify Your Teaching Day

Some days feel like a mad dash to the final bell. When that happens my colleagues can read it on my face, I am surviving day-to-day. It is a huge source of stress for teachers when the day owns them, they don’t own the day. And it leads to all kinds of complications like low … Continue Reading

Spark a Learning Revolution, Throw Out the Gradebook

This post written by Matt Brisbin originally appeared on APLitHelp.com and has been updated for this repost. “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” – Albert Einstein I want to tell you about an idea that has the potential to completely … Continue Reading

10 Habits That Sustain Master Teachers

What does it mean to be a successful master teacher? I can remember first hearing someone labeled a master while watching episodes of This Old House with my father when I was a boy. When the credits rolled, Norm Abrams was listed as master carpenter. It added an aura to his skills akin to Jedi knighthood. But what … Continue Reading

Summer Work: My Shift from Mandatory to Optional

When Gina Kortuem asked if I would be interested in a crosspost about summer work, I immediately answered yes because my summer work has slowly morphed over the last few years. I was not at all surprised when I read Gina’s post Why I Ditched Summer Reading to see that she and I have been … Continue Reading

Poetry March Madness 2023

As a basketball coach, March is one of my favorite months. Anytime I turn on the tv, there is a great college basketball game. Duke-North … Continue Reading

The UnInstagrammable Classroom

A couple of weeks ago I outed myself as having an UnInstagrammable classroom by posting these pictures in the FB group and received c the response. Like minded souls followed up with pictures and comments of solidarity from their classrooms with stacks and piles of who even knows what all. Shout out to the few … Continue Reading