Top Ten Poetry Collections for the Classroom

Happy National Poetry Month! One of the single most transformational things that has happened in my classroom over the last decade is working with poetry collections instead of picking and choosing poems to read. Whether reading a collection as a whole class or students exploring them on their own (as in our poetry blogging assignment), … Continue Reading

Spark a Learning Revolution, Throw Out the Gradebook

This post written by Matt Brisbin originally appeared on and has been updated for this repost. “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” – Albert Einstein I want to tell you about an idea that has the potential to completely … Continue Reading

10 Habits That Sustain Master Teachers

What does it mean to be a successful master teacher? I can remember first hearing someone labeled a master while watching episodes of This Old House with my father when I was a boy. When the credits rolled, Norm Abrams was listed as master carpenter. It added an aura to his skills akin to Jedi knighthood. But what … Continue Reading

Summer Work: My Shift from Mandatory to Optional

When Gina Kortuem asked if I would be interested in a crosspost about summer work, I immediately answered yes because my summer work has slowly morphed over the last few years. I was not at all surprised when I read Gina’s post Why I Ditched Summer Reading to see that she and I have been … Continue Reading

Poetry March Madness 2023

As a basketball coach, March is one of my favorite months. Anytime I turn on the tv, there is a great college basketball game. Duke-North … Continue Reading

The UnInstagrammable Classroom

A couple of weeks ago I outed myself as having an UnInstagrammable classroom by posting these pictures in the FB group and received c the response. Like minded souls followed up with pictures and comments of solidarity from their classrooms with stacks and piles of who even knows what all. Shout out to the few … Continue Reading

The Twitter Template for Deep Understanding

There is a super-simple way to get students to recognize tone, understand character, and experiment with voice all at the same time.  This year I had my students assume the identity of characters in the novels we were reading and write fake Tweets from the perspective of that character. I instructed them to think of … Continue Reading

O Brave New (AI) World

Last week I overheard a conversation from a group of students that went something like this: Student 1: I really think I should apply to College X as a backup school but don’t have time to write or revise my essay to the school’s prompt, so I guess I won’t. Student 2: Well if it’s … Continue Reading

Confessions of a Mid-Career Teacher

I came home from school nearly every day this week with that deep tiredness that you feel right down to your bones. It has never been this acute or severe in my 18 years of teaching. A colleague pulled me aside in my first year and said, “teaching maybe the only profession in which your … Continue Reading

Top 10 Books from 2022

I’m finally finding my way back to reading after the pandemic disrupted my reading rhythms and ability to concentrate, but I’m far more relaxed about tracking and pushing myself to read more. Now I’m more concerned with reading what I want, when I want, and not feeling guilty if I’m not setting “reading records.” So … Continue Reading